A few years ago, I started making simple collages with newspaper clippings, which I named “Eu vírgula estou aqui” ("I comma am here").
I comma am here

A few years ago, I started making simple collages with newspaper clippings, which I named “Eu vírgula estou aqui” ("I comma am here"). This title, in addition to referencing one of these collages, also captures the moment in which certain images and words seem to jump off the page, almost demanding their place in the collection of clippings and, who knows, in the notebook.

Over time, however, my dedication to this manual art dissipated. The difficulty in finding interesting images and not always having the necessary material nearby to make cutouts and collages led to a certain amount of frustration.

In 2022 I started ZINE, a project that lasted throughout the year and consisted of a constant search for beauty in the places I went. Each digital photographic zine was made up of a series of three images registed on the same day. For project coherence and to speed up the editing process, I chose to apply a filter that gave all the images a similar ambiance. This experience was interesting because I selected and related my own images, but here I also encountered limitations: I was dependent on what I experienced, saw and photographed in a day and on whether I could get three interesting images that worked together. Often (or is it always?), for the relationship between images to work, they all have to have something captivating, that is, each one must be worth it on its own.

Recently, while exploring the features of the PhotoScape X editing program, I discovered a collage tool. I decided to experiment with random images from the Internet, opting for Creative Commons images or at least old images. It didn't take long for me to look for dance photographs and make postcards based on that theme. Other themes such as space, architecture and landscape also emerged, but the representation of women was the one that predominated.

Discovering how images can relate to each other, whether through color, shape, content, texture, contrast or complementarity, continues to fascinate me. I also find it stimulating to combine materials from different artists, opening windows to new possibilities.

And I enjoy sharing these discoveries with you.


Eu vírgula estou aqui

P.S. Photographer Matilde Viegas' newsletter has been an inspiration to create mine. At this link you can see the complete archive of her newsletters and subscribe.

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